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Cookies Policy

What are cookies?

Cookies are small data files that enter the user's terminal from the website visited and are used to record certain browsing interactions on a website by storing data that can be updated and retrieved. These files are stored in the user's computer and contain anonymous data that are not harmful to the computer. They are used to remember the user's preferences, such as the language chosen, access data or page personalisation.

Cookies can also be used to register anonymous information on how a visitor uses a site. For example, the website from which you arrived or whether you used an advertising banner to reach it.


Why does HOSTAL GRAU use cookies?

HOSTAL GRAU only uses the cookies that are strictly necessary and essential so you can use our website and move around freely, use certain secure areas, personalise options, etc. Furthermore, it uses cookies that collect data to analyse the use of the website. These cookies are used to help improve our client service through the use and performance of the website in order to optimise and personalise it.


What types of cookies do we use?

Analytical cookies: Analytical cookies enable us to track and analyse the behaviour of website users and develop browsing profiles, and to learn about users’ preferences on the website in order to improve the products and services offered. For example, an analytical cookie monitors a user's geographic areas of interest, the most popular product, etc.

Personalisation cookies: These are cookies that allow users to access the service with certain general predefined features in their terminal or that the users themselves define. They can include the language, the type of browser by which they access the service, the design of the content chosen, geolocation of the terminal and the regional settings from which they access the service.


What if I don’t want to have these cookies or I do nothing about this?

To comply with the laws currently in force, we have to request your permission to manage cookies. If you decide not to authorise the processing of cookies by expressing your disapproval, we will only use technical cookies, given that they are essential to browse our website. In this case, we will not store any cookies. If you continue to browse our website without denying the authorisation of cookies, this implies that you accept their use.

Bear in mind that if you reject or delete the website browsing cookies, we will not be able to maintain your preferences, some features of the web pages will be deactivated, we will not be able to offer you personalised services and every time you come to browse we will have to request your authorisation for the use of cookies again.

If you nonetheless decide to modify the settings of your access to the website, you should know that cookies can be deleted or you can prevent this information from being recorded on your computer by changing your browser settings parameters.

Furthermore, you can withdraw your consent related to this Cookies Policy at any time and eliminate the cookies stored on your computer through adjustments and settings.